We pledge not to work for any military or defense company.

1) Luis Miguel de Jesús Astacio
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

2) Andreas Schmittner
Professor at College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
Military resources are used for death, destruction, and suffering. Rather than funding the military we should support civilian projects that foster life, construction, and well-being.

3) Deniz Namik
Majoring in Integrative Biology at the University of Illinois

4) Susana Samayoa
Majoring in Engineering at Texas A&M University, Society of Women Engineers

5) Michael Johnson
Research Scientist at the Dark Energy Survey

6) Craig Babiarz
MS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Illinois

7) Keshav Saharia
CTO at HulaLoop and Founder at Techlab Education

8) Cooper Quintin
Senior Staff Technologist at Electronic Frontier Foundation (My signature here is personal and not representative of my organization)

9) Mark Leach
Math Teacher

10) Karna Gowda
Postdoctoral Fellow in Physics at the University of Illinois

11) Catharine Krebs
PhD Candidate in Human Genetics at UCLA

12) Morton Brussel
Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Illinois
I am sensitive to the dangers now threatening us with so much (near 50%) of our discretionary national budget devoted to military purposes, wars, and the corporations which support and promote them. These all diminish the resources needed for the welfare of our own country (and others).

13) Matthew Speck
PhD Student in Mathematics at Auburn University

14) Milan Roberson
Majoring in Physics at Caltech

15) Alex Ahmed
PhD Student in Computer Science at Northeastern University

16) Douglas Kleven
Masters in Electrical Engineering at University of California Los Angeles

17) Brian Grant
PhD Student in Sustainability at Arizona State University & Teacher of Summer STEM Course for High School Students

18) Quinton Reed
Majoring in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Central Florida
Keep up the good work!

19) William R. Davison
Majoring in Physics at the University of Illinois

20) Barbara Pilas
Director of Flow Cytometry Facility at the University of Illinois

21) Sarah Arveson
PhD Candidate in Geophysics at Yale
Science for the people, not for war or profit.

22) Morgan Presta
Medical Dosimetrist in the Department of Radiation Oncology at City of Hope National Medical Center

23) Pratyush Buragohain
PhD Student in Physics at University of Nebraska Lincoln

24) Mayisha Nakib
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

25) Lorraine Lee
B.Sc. in Mathematics from University of Michigan
I haven't yet worked in the military industrial complex and I never will. I object to secrecy as well as aggression. The military industrial/intelligence complex needs to be disassembled.

26) Wooyoung Moon
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

27) William Budington
Technologist with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (for identification purposes only)

28) Neville Eclov
PhD Student in Medical Physics at the University of Chicago

29) Stuart Levy
Computer Professional
Military funding is a terrible excuse for a jobs program.

30) Makenzie Thompson
Majoring in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois

31) Rebecca Vining
Majoring in Biology at the University of Illinois

32) Patrick True
Majoring in Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois

33) Gerrit Postema
Majoring in Physics at Carleton College

34) Alex Ayling
PhD Student in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois

35) Zane Thornburg
PhD Student in Chemistry at the University of Illinois

36) Arthur Adams
Graduate Student in Astronomy at Yale

37) Tatyana Perlova
PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois

38) Margaret Golden
Majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois
I agree with what this organization is doing.

39) Shubhang Goswami
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

40) Mazin Khader
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

41) Brianne Gutman
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

42) Colleen Baublitz
PhD Student in Atmospheric Science at Columbia

43) Matthew Moss
Bioinformatician at Cold Spring Harbor Labs

44) Judith Hoeller
PhD Student in Physics at Yale
I'm for using war-money to educate more people in philosophy and sociology. I think this kind of education would make people more humble and less egocentric; a key to prevent war.

45) Thomas Rademaker
PhD Student in Physics at McGill University

46) Dhara Patel
Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois

47) Katie Mandera
Majoring in Geology at the University of Illinois

48) Marina Manetti
B.Sc. in Biology and B.A. in Philosophy of Science from the University of Illinois
Ain't gonna study war no more

49) Rubab Hyder
Majoring in Biology at the University of Illinois

50) Steve Yeo
PhD Student in Biophysics at the University of Illinois

51) Derek Ping
B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Illinois

52) Yael Eiger
Majoring in Computer Science at Brandeis

53) Alexander Berg
PhD Student in Electrical Engineering at Princeton
There is nothing normal about the American war machine and joining the military-industrial complex is not a value-neutral act. STEM students and workers must collectively refuse to compromise our values; instead, we must organize to deny our labor to military firms/labs and push for a democratically-determined reallocation of money towards restorative, socially useful science.

54) Matthew A. Quiroz
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

55) Ojan Khatib Damavandi
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Michigan

56) Philip Nelson
Majoring in Chemistry at Colorado School of Mines

57) Sam Boosalis
Software Engineer
Read Disciplined Minds.

58) Gloria Lee
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

59) Dunia Ghanimah
Majoring in Neuroscience at the University of Illinois

60) Elliot Schultz
Bachelor's in Mathematics from the University of Illinois
Fuck the MIC. Fuck the USA. Fuck the power hungry and rich. Your days in charge are numbered.

61) Melisa Bailey
PhD Student in Nutrition at the University of Illinois

62) Rebecca Deutsch
Software Developer and Designer

63) Ashley Dominick
Majoring in Physics at the University of Illinois

64) Nicholas Geiser
PhD Student in Physics at the University of California Los Angeles

65) Riccardo Papis
Diploma as Perijo Termotecnico (Thermotechnical Expert) from Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Giulio Riva
It’s a great initiative!

66) Aldo Montagner
Majoring in Physics at the University of Illinois

67) Kai Shinbrough
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

68) Rezvan Shahoei
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

69) Brian Martin
PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Sydney
For the past 35 years, I have been studying nonviolent alternatives to military systems. There is a burgeoning body of research showing that methods such as rallies, strikes, boycotts and sit-ins are more effective in overthrowing repressive regimes than armed struggle.

70) Rachel Daughtridge
Majoring in Environmental Science at the University of Illinois

71) Elizabeth Rhode
Majoring in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Illinois

72) Roshni Bano
PhD Student in Biophysics at the University of Illinois

73) Ninoshka Llontop
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Illinois at Chicago

74) William Wheeler
PhD Student in Materials Science at the University of Illinois

75) Erin Tevonian
Majoring in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois

76) Viraat Goel
Majoring in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois

77) Mohammed Sheikh
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

78) Piyush Labhsetwar
PhD Student in Biophysics at the University of Illinois

79) Suzan Ahmad
Majoring in Chemistry at the University of Illinois

80) Tiantian Yin
Majoring in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois

81) Efadul Huq
Bachelors in Civil Engineering from Georgia Southern University
As S.T.E.M. departments get conscripted into institutions of profit and war, we need engineers and scientists who fight for the welfare of human beings. 

82) David Desberg
Majoring in Computer Science at the University of Illinois

83) Kaumudi Prabhakara
PhD in Physics from Cornell

84) Cara Feng
Majoring in Food Sciences at the University of Illinois

85) Joseph Edwards
PhD Student in Ecology at the University of Illinois

86) Allan Axelrod
PhD Student in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Oklahoma State

87) Joseph Wallenfang
Majoring in Microbiology at the University of Illinois

88) Andrew Gawlik
B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
I would feel mortified if my studies were used to take lives or destroy countries.

89) Tom Buinfiglio
Majoring in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois

90) Cristina Schlesier
PhD Student in Physics at the University of Illinois

91) Sarah Collmus
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering with Environmental Studies Minor from Rochester Institute of Technology, Wind Turbine Engineer for GE Renewable Energy

92) Urmila Chadayammuri
PhD Student in Astronomy at Yale

93) Tijana Cooley
B.Sc. in Engineering from Smith College

94) Stephen Fernandez
PhD in Renewable Energy Engineering from University of Massachusetts Lowell
The US military is an institution steeped in imperialist crimes against humanity. From its roots in genocidal attacks against the indigenous populations of North America, the US military has made a practice of the mass murder of men, women, and children from communities of color. As such, the US military advances White Supremacy and American Exceptionalism through threats, destruction, and mass slaughter. Until the institution is abolished, it is imperative that all members of the engineering community reject any research, development, partnerships, and/or collaboration with any branch of the US military or its contractors.

95) Lafia Sebastian
Masters in Biotechnology from Bangalore University, India
Peace ️on Earth
No more Hiroshima
Love and Protect Nature, it’s the ultimate healing energy

96) Kiseok Lee
Phd Student in Ecology and Evolution at University of Chicago

97) Richard Marini
Principal Software Engineer at the Simons Foundation
We must not let our creations become weapons that destroy humanity or the planet.

98) Jan Wann
Retired Math Instructor, Software Editor, Taxonomist
Nice webinar, thank you [in reference to the webinar linked here]

99) Sari Stissi
Bachelors in Computer Science from Earlham College
The system hasn't always been this way and isn't helping anybody but the elite. We can change things and this is one step towards it.

100) Lillian Gray
Bachelors in Computer Science from Earlham College

101) Baqar Husain
Master of Public Health Student at Yale School of Public Health with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Health from the University of Georgia

102) Skyler Wities
Bioanalytical Research Associate and B.Sc. in Molecular Toxicology from U.C. Berkeley

103) Gabriela Tapia
Software Developer